Interested in joining Log Cabin Republicans of Connecticut (LCR-CT) as a full member? 

For a one time payment of $100 per year or $10 per month paid monthly ($120/yr), you will be included on all LCR-CT communications, have the opportunity to run for and join leadership, gain voting power within the organization* and get early access (and discounts when available) to all LCR-CT events.  

Join with a $100 donation below now!  And if you are able, please consider donating more to help support our operations, efforts and to support more and even better events and gatherings throughout the year.

*While LCR CT is a fully inclusive organization that wants everyone to be and feel welcome to join, in order to receive and maintain voting rights you must be a registered member of the Republican Party.

1. Amount


2. Your information

Law requires we ask for your employer and occupation. If you don't have an employer or are retired, put N/A, and if you are self-employed put "self-employed" in employer and describe your occupation.
Contributions are not tax deductible.

3. Payment information
